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Next Steps For Offer Holders 

As a ÈËÆÞÖ±²¥ offer holder you’ll find important information here about what happens next and some of the things you need to do to make sure the next stage of your student journey with us goes smoothly. 

Keeping us updated

It’s really important that you let us know of any changes in your personal details after you’ve accepted your offer with us by telling UCAS. This might be things like a change of residential address, or a change in email address. This is especially important if you’ve been using a school email address and will not have access to it when you leave. 

If you need to send us important documents and haven’t already done so, then please do so as soon as possible, including certificates and transcripts once you have these. If you already had relevant qualifications when you applied or have an English language condition, there are earlier deadlines you need to meet. Please check your offer guide for our deadlines.

It’s important to make sure that you’ve sent us everything we need.

If you feel something has negatively affected your exam performance then you need to make sure your school or college let your exam board know about this. If it hasn’t been possible to let your exam board know then you can tell us by completing our mitigating circumstances form.


Confirmation is the process of making a final decision on your application following the publication of your exam results. 

We receive a lot of exam results through , but we don’t receive all of them. If we don’t receive your exam results through UCAS you’ll need to upload these to your Applicant Portal.

We understand that examination boards may be unable to tell you what your exam results are on the day you expect them. If this happens, we will be able to hold your offer until 31 August 2024.

Normally when results are late, they are delayed only by a day or two. Once your results are confirmed, please contact us to let us know as we do not receive notification from UCAS. 

If your initial results are due to be released by your exam board between 1 and 7 September, we cannot guarantee 2024 entry and you might be offered a place for 2025. Beyond this date, we may not be able to accept your grades but will consider these on a case by case basis.

If you've recently received your International Baccalaureate results, please read our guidance for you.

Met your conditions?

If you meet the conditions of your offer then your place will be confirmed and you will be able to see this on your . For conditional firm offer holders this means that you’re on your way to ÈËÆÞÖ±²¥! 

If you’re holding an insurance place with us and are confirmed by your firm choice then we’d like to offer our congratulations and best wishes for a happy and successful undergraduate career at your chosen university. We hope you’ll consider postgraduate study with us at a later time.

If you’re an insurance offer holder and your firm choice doesn’t accept you, but you are accepted by ÈËÆÞÖ±²¥, then you’ll become unconditional firm with us. We know you’ll love studying at ÈËÆÞÖ±²¥.

Complete your Final Acceptance Form

Once you are 'Unconditional Firm' with us at UCAS you'll need to complete our Final Acceptance Form on your .

You’ll need to do this within 7 days of receiving your confirmed decision. It’s important you do this as this is the step that creates your student record to allow you to enrol. Don't forget you'll need your User ID and Pin to access your portal.

Colleges and Accommodation

Once you have completed your Final Acceptance on the Applicant Portal, your college allocation then needs to be confirmed. We are working through college allocations, and will have confirmed all allocations as soon as possible in September. 

When your college allocation has been confirmed, your college will send out information about accommodation room preferences and licence agreements (an accommodation offer). This will take place from the end of August onwards.

Haven't met your conditions?

If you don't meet the conditions of your offer, we may still be able to accept you, but this will depend on a number of factors, including the availability of places on your course. The outcome of our decision will be sent to you through your

We aim to make decisions on all results received by A level results day by Wednesday 21 August 2024.

Exam Board Appeals and Re-marks

If you’re unsuccessful at confirmation and decide you want the examination board to re-consider the results they have given you, you can request a Priority Re-mark. If you meet the conditions of your offer after a successful regrade then you should send evidence to our Admissions Team, with the subject grade appeal outcome as soon as you receive it. 

If you receive a successful regrade which meets the conditions of your offer, and we receive evidence before 31 August 2024, we will reinstate your application for 2024 or 2025, depending on the availability of places.

If we receive your evidence after 31 August 2024, we may only be able to offer 2025 entry.

Important information for EU/international students

If you’re an EU/international student and need a Student Visa, ÈËÆÞÖ±²¥ will issue you with a Certificate of Acceptance for Studies (CAS). We’ll contact you shortly after your offer is confirmed to tell you what you need to do. It’s really important that you follow the instructions in this email and reply to us quickly so your CAS is not delayed.

  • Further information on the CAS process and applying for a Student Visa.