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St Mary’s provides accommodation to a diverse community of students.

We currently have 312 rooms in College at Elvet Hill and, for 2023/24, 48 rooms (PG only) at Brackenbury, Dryburn Court. We offer accommodation to all our first year undergraduate students (around 213 students) and the remaining rooms are used by second, third and fourth year undergraduates, and taught and research postgraduates.
Explore Our Accommodation
two students sitting in a bedroom, one in a chair and one on a beanbag, having a friendly conversation while relaxing

Teikyo University

St Mary's operates a room exchange scheme with the branch campus of Teikyo University Japan.

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External view of the Brackenbury Accommodation

Brackenbury Accommodation (2023/2024)

Brackenbury, located at Dryburn Court, is a part of St Mary's accommodation for the academic year 2023-24.

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College Catering

St Mary's is a fully catered College.

At St Mary's, all of our students that live at Elvet Hill or in Teikyo are fully catered during term time. Our excellent catering team provide wonderful meals for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. We cater for many different dietary requirements, including vegetarian and vegan. Students living at Brackenbury are self-catered.
Catering Package
A wide shot of the dining hall with many students enjoying their meals and talking with one another


Get in touch

Contact us by phone or email below to find out more about accommodation, admissions and student support.

St Mary's College

Elvet Hill Road


Tel:+44 (0)191 334 5719